Monday, January 28, 2008

Whose Next.

"Reject the counsels of doubt and calculation - its time again for a new generation of leadership - its time now for Barack Obama." Mr. Kennedy went on to say in todays speech “We, too, want a president who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American dream and those around the world who still believe in the American ideal and who can lift our spirits and make us believe again,” Mr. Kennedy said. “I’ve found that candidate and I think you have, too.” (New York Times. So much for them endorsing Hillary)

Remind you, this is the brother to John F. Kennedy - a member of whats viewed as the first royal political family here in America. This has put a respected influential voice of the democratic party behind Obama's campaign and at this stage of game its critical to have such a senior constituent willing to endorse the campaign. Furthered by the remarks Senator Edwards made about Obama being the true advocate for change, which really gives Obama's campaign the ability to take back control of the message and move forward to wins on super Tuesday.

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