Monday, March 23, 2009


Damn Ben!! I wanted to be the first out of our group of friends to post about Ben from The Brilliance's new product Boxed Water. If you don't know, now you know, Boxed Water is - "Part sustainable water company, part art project, part philanthropic project, and completely curious. Boxed Water Is Better, is a boxed water company."

I first learned about it this weekend while we were celebrating the last days of our boy Virgil's bachelorhood in Madison, WI where Virgil went to school. It was a great weekend of drunken fun, but me and Ben got a chance to talk a lot about his new project, the initial release all the press and interest he's received already and what it's like to deal with the haters. Ben will be doing a lecture at Michigan State next week that I am going to try to attend, either or stay tuned for an interview about the product, about Ben, and what it's like taking an idea from nothing to something in the matter of a year. Stay tuned.

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