Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where for art thou?

Shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to. Sorry for the lake of updates, we've been preparing for the new year, getting some things in order for 09'. It's first quarter, feel like this year could be the championship, a lot at stake. Either or it will be full of:

Good people, beautiful girls, fre$h kids, mod, hipster, preppy, proper, trad, seamless, communication, transparency, the best of the best blogging about the best, more pictures less words, less words more meaning, good times, great oldies, that nu nu, black family, white house, fung shuei, change, now not later, apple, opposing minds, outliers, business plans, jets, different places, working harder but better than you ever have before, realizing exactly what it is you want, having exactly what you need, knowing exactly where your going. Right now we're about here. Please join us for the ride. All aboard.

We're in the process of updating the site, be sure to check back soon for beta 2.0. Until then...


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