The game of politics as you well know is like chess in real time – democracies of people engaging in battle to rule a dynasty. The Presidential race for the United States is bigger than the Super Bowl in terms of sports. Our so-called democratic process allows the people to decide the future of a nation with their democratic right. Who knows if those votes actually mean anything – ahem George W. – but damn you at least have to try right? As the candidates just finished the first ever You-Tube debate, this year’s marathon of Presidential race has a whole new set of maxims on how a campaign is run. And to compete in this year’s cycle you need to have a campaign manager who understands this new world of engaging people at every turn.
Most executive managers, whether NBA coaches or Fortune 500 Ceo’s, would teach you are only as strong as the pieces around you. In this year’s cycle, David Plouffe campaign manager for Barack Obama is a seasoned vet when it comes to running campaigns. Like in any other sport no matter how good the franchise player – if they don’t have a supporting cast then your just Kobe Bryant - the Bulls without Phil, Scottie and Harper, the Yankees without Torre, bottom line - you are only as good as those around you.
Plouffe, partner of AKP&D one of the premiere democratic consultant companies in the world, comes with a supporting cast worthy of an Oscar. AKP&D – an all-star team of individuals – all with varied degrees of talent and experience working with the Democratic Party. Of course they all have decorated resumes within media, campaigning, and press. But of course you wouldn't step into the playoffs with rookies at the helm? You always want a mixture of veterans and young talent taking you to the winners circle.
At the end of the day Plouffe and company know what’s up. He has been around the block when it comes to campaigning – literally – from working with grass roots campaigns within the Democratic Congressional Committee to running successful campaigns in key states. Combine that with a vast knowledge of the internet and its massive power, yet refined enough knowledge to know what it takes to run a grassroots campaign “town by town.”
That’s all you want out of your campaign manager. A coach with a diverse background, a plentiful of resources, and all-star associates with in arms reach. Someone who knows how to focus and run a grass roots campaign for the primaries but doesn’t lose site of the bigger picture in the marathon race that is campaigning for the presidency.
AKP&DGood article in the TimesJamar Eaton